Thursday, September 23, 2010

The little things

Well friends, it seems that a lot has gone on since the time I last wrote.  I have recently made career changes in the past two weeks.  School is ever consuming my free time.  Brett is still working non-stop.  We have so many things in our lives that demand our attention and time, and it's hard to find a balance in it all.  I get scared that these crazy times are gonna overtake the important things in life, such as love for our friends and family, or gratitude for what we have.  Thankfully, I have a husband who never lets me forget! 

The other day, Brett came home completely tired and worn out.  I didn't want to bother him, but I was CRAVING krispy kreme donuts!! I slyly mentioned my intentions of wanting to go, and he happily took a quick shower, got dressed, and took me to krispy kreme at 10:00.  Now that's a great husband!!

What horrible picture...but I had to put it up!!  Brett was pouting because I got a creme filled cinnamon donut, and he wanted it!!  He was being a baby, and wouldn't get the same thing I got, so instead...he just pouted!!  Typical male!!
I said all this to point out, that this night meant a lot to me.  It wasn't anything special, but I was so grateful that we took time to get out of the house, even if it were just a ride down the road, and enjoy our time with each other. 

About two weeks ago, we went over to Mama Sue's house (Brett's mom) to eat dinner.  I was inside watching tv, and when I came back outside to see what Brett and his brother Jeff were up to, this is what I found:

Brett and Jeff on the roof of the shed
Getting ready to shoot the arrow
This is their target setup!!
Brett is so ready for hunting season, he can't stand it!!  I nearly died laughing when I saw this!!  This is one of the many reasons why I love my husband.  He surely keeps life interesting!  The other night, I had a bad dream about Brett, and when I woke up and told him about my dream, his response was "Baby, you can't have a nightmare about me, I'm a dream come true"!!  Seriously, where does he come up with this stuff! All I know is that I am so blessed.  Blessed and happy!  God is so faithful to us:)  I'm looking forward to what the future holds for me and my family!!  Promise, I will keep you posted!!

erica barron

Thursday, September 2, 2010

La Dolce Vita I decided to start a blog.  I've contemplated writing one for a while, but I never did in fear of the commitment it might require. However, I was reading a friends blog and saw how cute and sweet it was that they shared their life moments with others through random blog updates, and instantly, I was convinced!! So here goes nothing...

Tonight, I came home to a husband who was grilling out some yummy jalepeno and cheese stuffed hot dogs, and two dogs that were overly excited about seeing their mommy!!  I was frustrated at the thought of all the laundry that awaited my presence until I walked into the kitchen and saw that my husband had not only did the laundry, but he folded them too!!  This, my friends, is a MIRACLE!!  It was nice to be able to come home and just sit and eat.  I almost didn't know what to do with myself.  However, as a balancing statement, I must admit that my husband cooks ALOT, as well as cleans.  I can't really complain.  The only thing he doesn't really do is FOLD the laundry...which was why I was so shocked:)  

I am really a blessed woman.  Tonight, I was able to sit with my legit family that consist of Brett (my husband), Leila(our yorkie) and Shammah(our boxer).  I am not one to take them for granted, and at times, I am overly emotional and grateful for the life that God has given me.  Hopefully, in this journey of blogging, I will be able to more appropriately capture those treasured moments and share them with friends and family.  My life is simple, but it is sweet and beautiful.  I have a wonderful hubby who makes me laugh, two amazingly annoying at times dogs that warm my heart, and a home that holds us all together:)  Yep!  I'm a happy woman!
The familia!!
Well, that's pretty much it for tonight!!  Hope ya'll enjoy:)