Thursday, September 2, 2010

La Dolce Vita I decided to start a blog.  I've contemplated writing one for a while, but I never did in fear of the commitment it might require. However, I was reading a friends blog and saw how cute and sweet it was that they shared their life moments with others through random blog updates, and instantly, I was convinced!! So here goes nothing...

Tonight, I came home to a husband who was grilling out some yummy jalepeno and cheese stuffed hot dogs, and two dogs that were overly excited about seeing their mommy!!  I was frustrated at the thought of all the laundry that awaited my presence until I walked into the kitchen and saw that my husband had not only did the laundry, but he folded them too!!  This, my friends, is a MIRACLE!!  It was nice to be able to come home and just sit and eat.  I almost didn't know what to do with myself.  However, as a balancing statement, I must admit that my husband cooks ALOT, as well as cleans.  I can't really complain.  The only thing he doesn't really do is FOLD the laundry...which was why I was so shocked:)  

I am really a blessed woman.  Tonight, I was able to sit with my legit family that consist of Brett (my husband), Leila(our yorkie) and Shammah(our boxer).  I am not one to take them for granted, and at times, I am overly emotional and grateful for the life that God has given me.  Hopefully, in this journey of blogging, I will be able to more appropriately capture those treasured moments and share them with friends and family.  My life is simple, but it is sweet and beautiful.  I have a wonderful hubby who makes me laugh, two amazingly annoying at times dogs that warm my heart, and a home that holds us all together:)  Yep!  I'm a happy woman!
The familia!!
Well, that's pretty much it for tonight!!  Hope ya'll enjoy:) 

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