Thursday, August 11, 2011

Once in a while...

I have found a new obsession with a website called Pinterest.  It's a website where you can pin pictures of things that you are interested in (hence the name "pin-terest").  I was looking at pictures for home decor when I ran across a picture of an old window that had been redecorated and hung.  Inside the glass portion of the window read this quote "Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale".  Coincidentally, one of the last blogs I wrote was on the topic of fairytales.  I could not have found this quote to be more appropriate for my life at the moment. 

While typing this blog, I am currently six months pregnant and beginning a transition in my life that was not planned or expected.  In the past year or so, my life has been full of transitions, whether it was physically, spiritually, or emotionally.  When I found out that I was pregnant, I was completely shocked.  Brett and I had not been planning, and if I were to plan a pregnancy, it would not have been at this time.  When I first learned I was pregnant, I did a lot of soul searching and praying.  This led me to a thought.  I'm about to give life to another.  Even though I did not plan to do this, a baby in my womb is a result of the love between my husband and I.  I then began to think of God and how Jesus was a result of His love for us.  Of course, I have always known that God gave His only son so that we may have life.  John 3:16 was one of the first verses I had ever memorized.  However, the depth of this truth took on a whole new meaning when relating it to myself.  What can be more powerful than a love that creates life?  This thought was the turning point of my mindset in this pregnancy.  I was no longer upset that my plans were now out of place.  I suddenly adored the tiny life that was being molded inside of me because it was a result of a love that I possess. 

Brett and I just celebrated our four year wedding anniversary.  In my prayers the morning of our anniversary, I was reflecting on all the things we have been through together.  I reached an epiphany.  Four years ago, I started marriage hoping for a magical fairy tale. I have found that the only magical aspect of marriage between two very flawed individuals is the essence of a very holy God and the beauty of His love that binds us together.  I am so grateful for the life that God has given me and the plans that He has towards me.  I could not ask for a better husband.  In everything that we have been through throughout our years together, he has shown me a love that demonstrates God's love for me.  He is forgiving, kind, patient, and gentle.  He is charming and handsome.  He loves me in spite of my flaws and he hopes for me.  In three more months, I will give birth to a son who will bare my husband's last name.  Barron.  It means young warrior.  We are naming him Aiden Hugh.  My prayer for Aiden is that he will be like David in the bible, a man after God's own heart.  I imagine him wild with ambition and passion just like David.  I hope that he learns forgiveness and grace just as David did.  I pray he grows to learn that life is a beautiful gift born out of a love that should be given away and shared with others.  And as his mother, I pray that I portray God's genuine love in each moment that we share together as a family.  Wow...what a wonderful change to my life plans. 

In reflection of my life, I can honestly say that "Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale".  Thank you, Father, for your powerful love that creates life and writes our fairytales!!


  1. I love this!!!! Oh my word darling, you have no idea how proud I am of you at this very moment!!

  2. That's so good to hear, Erica. Motherhood is such a blessing! I love the name, too :)
