Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Joys of Pregnancy

Last weekend, my mother slyly mentioned to my best friend that I don't blog enough. Since then, I have tried to think of interesting details of my life that I could write down and others would want to read. At the moment, I am 30 weeks pregnant!!! Yes!! I am a walking baby whale. Thanks to my mother and the thousands of maternity items she purchased for me this past weekend, I can now attempt to decorate this large, round, body of mine and be comfortable at the same time. At thirty weeks pregnant, I can pretty much write a book on all the things that people DO NOT tell you about pregnancy. I wear heels now just because I am convinced that if I am taller, I won't be compared to an "Oompa Loompa" from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. However, there is a price that comes with wearing heels. When a pregnant person is on their feet all day like I am, they are already causing their legs to swell and their muscles to tighten. When you add heels to the equation, the muscles are now angled and tightened even more. This causes me to wake up at strange hours of the night screaming because my calf muscle has just tightened into a "Charlie Horse". My poor husband. He has literally jumped straight out of bed thinking that I was dying. Just the other night, I stayed with a friend, and the same thing happened. I woke up out of a dead sleep in the worst kind of pain coming from my leg. This poor girl thought I was having contractions and was about to give birth!!! Oh the joys of pregnancy.

Now that I am round, sleeping is a problem as well. You see...I have this active little man inside of me, and it does not matter what side I lay on, he is going to kick that side until I move to a different position. He must get this stubbornness from his father, because I would never ;) It is because of this that I now wake up to find the horrendous dark objects underneath my eyelids. No sleep equals dark circles underneath the eye. It's not a pretty sight when I am not wearing make-up.

There are many other non-beautiful things that are happening right now due to being pregnant, but I will choose not to share them on a public website. Instead, I will tell you the beautiful side to having swollen feet and hands, a large belly comparable to Santa, and eyes that look like you lost a fight with Rocky Balboa. I will be having me an active man. He literally moves non-stop. And he is SO big. He doesn't have much room to move around, but he could care less. This baby swims all around my belly. If you want free entertainment, you can take a seat and literally watch my belly move from the top to the bottom and over to the sides. I have heard that not all babies are like this when they are in the womb. I could not imagine Aiden not being so active. It makes me happy to feel him kicking and moving (well...except when I'm trying to sleep). The other night, my husband came home from work and we were both getting ready for bed. I crawled into bed and he had a lamp on so he could read his book. As he laid there, I just sat in the bed staring at this man that I married. All I could think was "How did I get so lucky". My husband is not a man of emotions, so I will ask him on occasion why he chose me, or why does he love me. This was exactly what I did at that moment. While staring at Brett, he looked up and gave me the sweetest smile that melted my heart. I then asked him, "Why do you love me". His answer is one that I will never forget. He replied, "Today, I was praying for Aiden, and I asked that God would give him your heart and your personality and your love for people". Brett could have just said, "You have a great heart, and I like your personality and admire your love for people", but instead, he prayed that God would give those traits to our son. This is the sweetest part about having a baby. Sharing a love with someone that will soon be in a human form. I can't wait to meet our baby son. I can't wait to see how he reminds me of the man I married. I can't wait to hold him and know that he is a product of such sweet love. *sigh* I'm getting carried away. That's all I will share for now. I can't have people thinking I am that crazy over my husband ;) In conclusion to this random blog...I am not the biggest fan of the whole 9 month pregnancy thing. I miss my body, and I miss being able to pick things up or move a chair without people freaking out. I miss wearing heels and not having to worry about if I'm going to get a visit from Mr. Charlie Horse. BUT...I do love that this being inside of me is a little piece of my husband. I love to feel him move. I like being able to sit and talk to him while alone on the couch. I like that when I play classical music (or any kind of music), he turns and turns as if he were dancing. I like that already, there are so many people praying for this little man. And finally, I am comforted in the fact that in Jeremiah 1:5, God's promise to Aiden is this, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I set you apart".

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