Friday, August 17, 2012

Pressed but not Crushed

In December, I had the honor of giving birth to my first child.  My son, Aiden Hugh Barron.  This was probably the single most amazing moment of my life.  On New Year's Eve, I went to my husband and I told him that this was the year that I give my everything to God.  I prayed with my husband and I promised my husband and my God that my life would be God's.  Not just for this year, but for the rest of my life.

It's August.  This year so far has been probably the best and the worst at the same time.  I didn't understand why.  I have asked God the question "why" over and over and over again.  In fact, I asked Him a while back, "Do you not understand that I wanted this to be a good year".

I haven't blogged.  I didn't want to share my inner most thoughts or feelings because I was ashamed at the trials I was facing.  I was also ashamed to be facing such hardships at the same time that I had the most precious gift I could ever receive in my life.  I honestly thought that there was something wrong with me.  Why else would God allow me to go through this trial?

Today.  This day, I wanted to give up.  I wanted to run.  I was on Facebook, and I saw that someone posted a message entitled "The Power is in the Pressing".  As soon as I read it, the Lord spoke to me and told me to listen to it.  So I did.  The speaker is Amie Dockery and she speaks of the process of the olive oil pressing and the grape pressing.  She explained that the olive is pressed with a stone because the pressure of the stone on the olive brings forth a sweet taste. However, a grape is not pressed with a stone because the pressure of the stone on the seed inside the grape brings forth a bitter taste.  Instead, a grape is pressed with the pressure of a skin.  A foot in fact.  When the foot steps on the grapes and feels the seed, the person knows that they are pressing "hard enough" meaning that they do not want to step harder because they only want to bring forth the sweetness of the grape. 

She explains that the olives in the Bible represents our dreams, visions, our marriage, our children, etc.  Yet, we are the grapes.  She is quoted saying that "All I've ever wanted in my life really is to be at the feet of Jesus, and if that means that He pushes on me to express something precious, I can trust that pressure, I can trust that pain.  It's not for my destruction, but for my gain".

Her message helped me understand the passage in the Word that says, "We are pressed but not crushed".  I admit I sat in the floor of my bathroom and I cried and cried and cried while I listened to her message.  I felt the Holy Spirit's presence fill the bathroom where I sat and I welcomed His kind and warm reassurance that I was only being pressed but not crushed.

I only wanted to share this because I want others to know that I am pressed but not crushed.  For a minute there, Satan had me believing that God wanted to crush me.  God really encouraged me today.  I wanted to share the message here on my blog just so you could catch this concept as well AND for those who are close to me to remind me when I get discouraged that I am not crushed, but rather pressed because God wants to bring something sweet out of my life.

I didn't understand why God was allowing these circumstances to happen especially when I made the decision to give this year to God.  Now I understand that I'm going through a pressing and that God has a purpose.  So, from now on, I'm blogging again.  I have so much good in my life to share.  Aiden is 8 months old and growing like a weed.  He's the most precious gift I could have ever received.  I've started my Master's degree.  I'm able to stay at home with my son.  God is so good.  And He is expressing things out of my life that are meant to be poured out and shared:) 

If you have felt the same, are feeling the same...whatever.  This is a good message.

The Power is in the Pressing


  1. Erica, thank you for sharing your heart. I know how hard that can be. I am deeply thankful to have read this today. For us, the past year has been a year with quite a few trials, one of which only happened this week, and today I have been feeling heavy. Feeling pressed. Very pressed. Many tears have been pressed out today. I had not heard the connection between the grapes and the pressing. It is beautiful and it makes sense. But oh when the skins pop, when the juices flow out, oh it hurts. Each pressing feels like another question... "Do you trust me? Do you truly understand how much I love you? Do you believe me when I say I will never leave you or forsake you? When I say I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you? Do you believe that hope in Me does not disappoint?" Where I am right now the rain is pouring down heavily. It is a loud crashing on the roof and it feels like water is beating the house. I feel like life is beating on us right now. But where I come from there's a drought, so I know how much no rain means no life. Where I come from thousands of people lost everything they had last year to a fire that ravaged because of drought. The rain beats. And brings life. The foot presses and brings forth sweetness. We have so much hope. Yes and yes. God IS good.

    1. Patti,

      Thank you for sharing this with me. I cried as I read it. I relate with you when you say that you hear God ask "Do you trust me". It has been so hard to trust Him because I honestly did not realize the pressing. I felt as if it were a punishment instead. I am so grateful that God lead me to this message and reminded me of His love. I will be praying for you and with you and believing that God is going to produce something sweet and wonderful in your pressing!!

  2. This is a wonderful message. This year has been a very hard year for me and my family. My husband has had cancer, two surgeries and still cannot work. I lost my sister 4 days after Christmas to a severe stroke. I lost my brother in June. My only living sibling has Alzheimer's disease. My mother is 92 and has dementia but is in great physical shape. Like you I have had to ask why many times this year. Everyone tells me that God has promised to never put more on me than I can handle yet sometimes I think he has me confused with someone else. Through it all I have learned I have many blessings to be thankful for and things could be much worse. I now understand trials and tribulations and realize He said it might not be easy but it will be worth it. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. I have felt the same way. I truly thought that maybe God cared more about others than He did me. This message comforted me by letting me know that I am only being pressed to produce a sweet product of His work. I have to keep my thoughts captive and my heart right so I make sure that I allow God to work His will instead of listening to the lies of the enemy. I will be praying for you. Just imagine the sweet testimony that He is preparing for you:)
