Friday, November 9, 2012

Today's Letter

Today, I ran across a blog entitled "Today's Letter".  This lady writes a short letter to things/people throughout her day, but she always begins and ends with writing a little something to her husband.  I love this idea.  Her husband even does the same thing.  I must have spent 20 minutes reading their letters.  I think I remember a friend who started to do the same thing, but instead of a daily letter, she only wrote letters on Friday.  I agree that making this an everyday thing might just get a little overwhelming for me, especially with an eleven month baby boy wreaking havoc on our home.  So, I think that I too will do a Friday letter. 

So...without further ado.

Dear Mr. Barron.  Thank you for paying attention to the little details.  I was craving sweets and junk food.  Of course the only food in our home is healthy and I wanted no part in it.  You came home Tuesday night with a bag of candy corn, pepsi, buffalo wing pretzels, and ice cream.  All of which are my favorite.  Even though you said the ice cream wasn't for me and that I couldn't touch it, I noticed you bought my favorite (cookie dough) and you then pretended you were mad when you noticed I ate some.  I still appreciate it more than you know.  Dear Little Man, you are growing way too fast.  You entertain yourself throughout the day by terrorizing Shammah and throw balls throughout the house while crawling after them.  This morning, you would crawl and spin, crawl and spin, crawl and spin.  You laughed the entire time.  What is going on in that head of yours?  You are saying actual words now like "Hey", "Aiden", "Bye Bye", and "Dada".  I am very proud of your accomplishments.  However, can we try to attempt saying "mama".  You don't even seem interested.  I guess I should appreciate it because there will come a time that I wish you would quit calling my name.  Dear Brother Sam.  You just had a birthday.  I can't believe how cool you are.  You love all the cool rock bands I love, you like to have movie marathons with me, and you can sport a Grease hairstyle like no other.  I am one proud sister.  Dear man who stole my cell phone.  I hope that it has been a great asset to you.  For me, however, it has been a thorn in my side.  I will pray for you.  Dear Brett Joseph, I would post pictures of the sweet things you bought, but my phone was stolen.  I guess I have to start using my camera again.  Thank you for working so hard to provide for our family and allowing me the opportunity to stay at home with our son.  I am very grateful.  I love you more than junk food. 

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