Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday's Letter

I love letters.  There is so much power in the written words.  Sure, words can be spoken and hold meaning.  But the written words, they are a window into a soul.  The written word requires a dedication of time spent.  It requires thought and expression.  That is why I try my best to do these letters.   To express my love for those who mean the most to me.  To express my joy, my trials, and everything else in between.  If you read these random letters that I write, you will find my heart laid out in words.

Dear Brett Joseph Barron.  It is no secret that we have had our share of struggles these past few years of marriage.  I have come to the conclusion that Satan hates us because he knows that greatness lies within us.  I have never loved a man like I love you.  I am crazy about you and everyday, I am so grateful that you are my man.  God is doing a lot in you and in me.  As of tomorrow, it will be a week since we renewed our wedding vows.  I gave you my forever all over again, and I will and would do it again if I had to.  You are my prince.  

Dear Judgement.  We were friends once.  Together we would belittle others in our minds.  Scrutinize their mistakes and failures, and mock at their poor choices.  Now, you have betrayed me as you do everyone else you befriend.  You then introduced me to your friends, Guilt and Shame.  I look at my past mistakes and failures and feel the mockery of you, Judgement, against me.  I think of those that I have thought negative of and have judged.  Now I realize that I should have befriended Grace and introduced it to others instead of you for it is Grace that I, myself need.  Romans 8:1 has thought me that there is no condemnation in Christ and for those who are in Christ.  Matthew 7:1 strictly warns, judge not, lest you be judged.  And Romans 5:20 says that where sin abounds, so does grace.  Thankfully, I am growing in my walk with Christ, and I am learning what it means to be free.  You are no longer my friend, Judgement.  I have a new friend now, Grace, and I am ready to introduce him to those who have been fooled by you.

Dear Aiden Hugh.  Why must you grow up.  You have hit a stage where you are learning to test your boundaries.  I tell you "no" and you hit at me.  I try to feed you, and you shake your head "no" until I give you what I am eating.  Not only are you becoming this independent and testy little creature, but you are acquiring bruises and scratches.  In the past 24 hours, you have managed to bump your head on three different occasions.  I almost didn't go to my small group with you because I was afraid they might think I had beat you.  I wish I could slow time down.  You have my heart in your hands, and you are running way to fast with it.  I fed you doughnuts today because you were in a poor mood.  You loved them doughnuts and continued to grunt at me the entire ride back to the house in hopes for another one.  I will surely miss these times one day.  I of course paid for your sugar rush later with a heaping attitude towards the end of the night.  But the look on your face when you discovered the sweet, sugary deliciousness of doughnut holes will forever be priceless.  I love you more than you loved those sugar demon doughnuts. 

Dear Mom and Dad.  Some people find it strange that you both know every detail of my life.  I do not find it strange.   I am so grateful to have you both to mentor my husband and I on this journey of life and marriage.  I was just telling Brett the other day how lucky we are to have you pour into us and challenge us to be better so that we can be used by Christ.  I do not believe for one second that God sent you on a marriage cruise to ignite your marriage around the same time that Brett and I attended the Ignite Marriage Conference at our church this past weekend.  Our Heavenly Father is up to something great, and I am so thankful that we have you to shine a light in front of us. 

Dear Beloved Brett.  I would be incomplete without you.  Who else would buy me a whole entire pantry shelf full of ramen noodles because I crave them on a daily basis?  I am not sure how you do it, but you have wrapped me into all your silly man shows.  As of right now, our dvr holds Swamp People, Moonshiners, Doomsday Preppers, and Duck Dynasty.  I still can't get the picture of Tickle lying in a soapy bathtub giving love advice for Valentine's Day out of my head.  I have been traumatized for life.  You are my standard, babe.  No one will compare.  I love you more than Tickle loves moonshine. 

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