Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I will be the first to admit that prior to Motherhood, I was a skeptic of moms.  The emotion attached seemed so made up and fake.  I had those friends who were mothers and they would claim that their whole life revolved around their children.  Our conversations would consist of their children.  They couldn't skip away for the weekend and go to the beach because they needed to be home with their children.  What kind of life did these ladies live?  A particular friend I have in mind is one of my best friends, Jessica Blackburn. For her birthday once, she asked her husband that he save a present for her and use the money for a trip to Disney.  She asked for her gift to be a gift for her son.  Really?  She knew EVERY word to every cartoon that existed and I swore if I heard Yo Gabba Gabba come on while I was there, I would run out screaming.  I did not understand my friend.  How in the world did her live revolve around being a mother?  How in the world was her life fulfilling?

I am now a mother of a WONDERFUL seventeen month boy.  With that said...I am NOW that Mother.    My world is my son.  And I get it now.  I know every word to every show that comes on the Disney Channel and I do not care (however, I STILL HATE Yo Gabba Gabba and refuse to play it in my house).  My life, my schedule, and my conversations are revolved around my son, and I could not imagine it being any other way. 

Aiden Hugh Barron,

The moment I knew I was pregnant, I feared you.  I knew you deserved the very best and I did not know that I could be the one who could do that.  I wanted to do right by you.  I spent nine months of my life in expectation and preparation for you.  You are here and my life is changed for the better.  You are a beautiful, handsome, and charming young boy.  Before you were born, I prayed constantly that God would give you the spirit of King David.  I wanted you to be a person who LOVED life and laughed as often as you could.  You do just that, my love.  You can say my name now and when you do, you scream it so I can hear.  MAAAAA-MAAAAA!!!  And as you say it, you have the biggest smile on your face.  I am so in love with you.  You have changed my life and enriched it.  You give my life meaning and purpose.  You make me want to be better at everything I do.  You, my love, are my purpose.  If I fail at being your mother, I have failed my purpose in life.  You are my ministry.  Being your mother gives me meaning.  I love you.  In fact, the term love does not express the emotions I want to express behind it.  Thank you for showing me what life is about.

Love Always,

Your MaMa

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