Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Faithfulness in the Catching

Yesterday, as I was walking out of work, I heard the laughter of children playing.  I glanced in the distance to my far right, and there they were gathered altogether.  There must have been about five or six of them.  The sun was glaring, so I had to squint, but the smiles across their face was as plain as if I were seeing it face to face.  As I continued walking to my car, I thought of the sweet innocence of children and how little and few their worries are and how I missed that.  Well, these thoughts began a series of more thoughts that led me to a memory of my father and I when I was younger.  As a child, my daddy could be in close proximity, and I would jump towards him from whatever object I was on top of.  The idea that he would not catch me never entered into my thoughts.  My childlike heart just knew that he would not let me fall.  I did this countless times.  Without him being aware of my intentions even, I would jump.  And he always caught me.  Every time.  It didn't matter how far away I was or how awkward the catch might have been to make, he always caught me.  Now, remember I am driving, and so this memory is playing in my mind, and tears start rolling down my face as I am seeing this mental picture in my head.  A picture of my father, dependable and trust worthy, catching me no matter how difficult the feat might have been. 

Is that not what our Heavenly Daddy does for us?  I have made many decisions in my life, and some of which have left me in awkward and difficult life positions.  And He still caught me.  I mean, I am overwhelmed with the thought. 

Read what David says about his similar situation in Psalms 40:1-10.

"I waited and waited and waited for God. At last he looked; finally he listened. He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud. He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip. He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, a praise-song to our God. More and more people are seeing this: they enter the mystery, abandoning themselves to God. Blessed are you who give yourselves over to God, turn your backs on the world’s “sure thing,” ignore what the world worships;The world’s a huge stockpile of God-wonders and God-thoughts. Nothing and no one comes close to you! I start talking about you, telling what I know, and quickly run out of words. Neither numbers nor words account for you. Doing something for you, bringing something to you—that’s not what you’re after. Being religious, acting pious—that’s not what you’re asking for. You’ve opened my ears so I can listen. So I answered, “I’m coming. I read in your letter what you wrote about me, And I’m coming to the party you’re throwing for me.” That’s when God’s Word entered my life, became part of my very being.  I’ve preached you to the whole congregation, I’ve kept back nothing, God—you know that. I didn’t keep the news of your ways a secret, didn’t keep it to myself. I told it all, how dependable you are, how thorough. I didn’t hold back pieces of love and truth for myself alone. I told it all, let the congregation know the whole story"

In my very truest and honest form, I am flawed.  Unworthy and completely in need of a Savior.  A Father who will save.  My heart is so overwhelmed with His goodness and his undeserved, sweet and pure love.  A heart is not to far and a fall is not too difficult for our Father to catch us and save us from.  As a child, I knew that my father would catch me.  But as an adult, it is still hard sometimes for my heart to believe that my Heavenly Father would still want to catch me, or even be aware that I am in need.  The truth, as David describes in Psalms, is that He is will catch us.  He places on a solid rock, which I believe is His Word, which gives us a solid foundation to continue on in this life.  Maybe you have jumped and you are waiting to be caught.  I have great news, your fall isn't too deep or unnoticed for the Father to catch you and place you upon that high rock!!!

Have you ever felt this way?  How has God shown you His faithfulness in the catching?


  1. Oh sweet girl, your mama loves you to the moon and I am so stinking proud of you. You keep holding on to Jesus and He will astound you at His works!

  2. that was not what I was expecting great story girl great story:):):):):)

  3. I never had a dad at home to catch me so that I could jump! I never got to test the theory that dad's catch their children. However, I sure know how it feels now to jump and pray that my heavenly Father will catch me. Ya know what? He hasn't failed me yet!!!! Keep writing Erica..........keep writing!
