Sunday, October 10, 2010

There's Just Something About THAT Name

Well, I didn't start this blog to show the world how spiritual I am.  In fact, at this point in my life, that is the last thing I want to do at the moment.  I have many people in my life who like to flaunt their spirituality, and it disgust me.  Rather, I started this blog just because I thought it was an interesting way to share with others what was going on in my life.  The good things, the hard situations, the BIG moments, and even the small.  The other day, I was driving to work.  The drive to work was normal.  Nothing unusual happened.  But for some reason, I was at a stop light, and as I sat there waiting for the light to change, I looked up to the sky and I suddenly remembered a moment I had with my father when I was a kid. This memory came out of nowhere, but as soon as it came, it brought chills down my body.  This memory was of my daddy taking me to school early one day.  We were in his truck and he was holding his coffee cup as he drove.  It was early in the morning, so I wasn't close to being able to hold a casual conversation.  However, I kept hearing my dad softly whispering something.  This got my attention, and I began to notice that my dad was praying.  Or, I guess you could say praying.  He was just saying the name "Jesus" over and over again.  Just saying the name, softly.  But in his words I could hear so much more.  In his words I could hear adoration, a plea, a cry, a longing.  At the time, I had no idea why my dad would just say Jesus' name over and over.  It didn't make sense, but yet, I could still hear everything in that one name.  This happened on many occasions that I rode with my dad to work or school.  He would have his coffee in one hand, the other hand on the steering wheel, and he would silently whisper the name of Jesus.  You just have to know the relationship between me and my daddy.  I adore everything about my daddy.  My dad does not boast in his speech, but he silently lives a life that I look up to.  As years have passed, I have often heard songs, poems, and sermons about the name of Jesus.  Each speaking of the power that is in His name.  I'm not sure if this is for anybody, or if maybe I am simply sharing a memory...but I can honestly say that this memory of my daddy whispering the name of Jesus has been an example to me.  I am at a point in my life where I feel that there has been much confusion and questions that have surrounded me and my husband.  But when it comes to the end of the day, and I am overwhelmed with heartache, or questions, or even happiness and joy...when I just say the name of Jesus...all the answers I need in life are right there:)  So here's to my daddy!!! Thank you for being a living example of Christ!!!

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