Monday, December 12, 2011

God Knows

Tonight as I was sitting in my rocking chair with my newborn baby son I began to rub the tiny hairs on his head ever so softly. Back and forth as I rocked and rubbed my sons head, I realized he had more hair than I had thought. His hair is so blonde it is hard to notice how much hair he actually has. With this realization I thought, "my God knows the exact number of hairs on his head". The knowledge and comfort of this truth was so overwhelming I began to cry. **Cry: verb, something that occurs constantly after birthing a child**. Being a new mom is so scary and exciting and overwhelming all at once. I am pretty sure I will be blogging more because of motherhood. Each moment spent is suddenly important. I don't want to miss out on anything. I want to capture it all. Aiden will be a week old tomorrow and he already lifts his head and today I caught him trying to roll over. He's already growing way to fast. Each experience is new and no matter how much I don't know, my God knows. And well...that makes me happy:)

1 comment:

  1. And He sees you & smiles because you are a wonderful mother!
