Friday, November 9, 2012

Aiden's Birthday Countdown...A look back...

Wasn't I just pregnant with a super active baby in my tummy?  Didn't I just come home with my little man from the hospital?  How in the world is my little man about to turn one?  I thought since your birthday is upon us, it would be fun to look back on the last 11 months.

First Month: 0 Months Old

This was taken right after you were born.  Your daddy was so proud.  He worked at the same hospital that I gave birth to you in.  I don't think he got much accomplished that day because he could not separate himself from you. 
You really are the most precious baby to me.  I am so happy to be your mother.
Aiden Hugh Barron
8 lbs, 14 ounces, and 21 1/2 inches long.  That's my future Auburn football player!!
Look at that double chin of yours.  You were such a big man!  I love that your onsie says "I Love Mommy".  I might have
done that on purpose.

Look at those lips!!  

We visited your Gran Jules and G Daddy for Christmas.  You had a diaper rash and wouldn't stop crying.  Your belly button thing (not sure what it's called) fell off, so we decided to try and put you in the bath tub.  You LOVED it.  We put ear plugs in your ear and let you play to your hearts desire.  You have loved the water and bath time ever since. 
This was your first night home.  Your daddy made sure that the house looked like the north pole exploded.  The front yard was full of Christmas lights and the inside had decoration galore.  We brought you home, and he turned on the Christmas movies and we ate cookies and milk while you and daddy cuddled in your man chair. 

I am not sure when this was taken, but I do know it was during the first month of you life.  You look so different now. 

Second Month:1 Month Old
This was your church outfit.  I tried to keep you stylish.

This was at our home in Mobile right before we moved to Birmingham.  You were in your pack n play. 

1 Month pictures taken by our friend Whitney Reynolds.

I love your blanket that your Gran got from Pottery Barn Kids

That frog was your best friend at one time.  I am in love with the wubbanubs.  They saved my life when it came to your comfort and my peace of mind. 

You have the sweetest face!
Third Month: 2 Months Old

You and Daddy shopping.

Not a good picture, but we tried.

I love that your lips are so kissable!!

You've always been a daddy's boy. 

Playing with your frog that daddy got you for Valentine's day. 

You are such a happy baby.

Fourth: 3 Months Old

Taking a nap in mommy's bed. 

I think I was trying to make you laugh. It looks like it was a failed attempt. 

Hanging out with Daddy.  Your favorite time of the day. 

You LOVED your wubbanubs!!

I've learned that as a mom, you rarely get pictures with your children.  This was an attempt a trying to take a picture together.  Of course, you weren't interested ;)

Five Months: 4 Months Old
We were headed to church on a Wednesday night.  It was your first time in nursery.  You did so well. 
You were so mad because you had eaten all of your baby food. 

Your 1st Easter basket.  It was bigger than you!

In Your Easter Attire:)
At Oak Mountain National Park.  You loved it.  

 6 Months: 5 Months Old
My Mother's Day gifts from you. 

You LOVE to jump in this thing!!

You were so tired, you fell asleep in the shower. 

You love bath time with your daddy!

Visiting with your cousin, Karmyn. 
Going to the pool with mommy and daddy.  You love the water!
You have always been a handsome man!
First time swimming at Lake Martin.  First of many to come.
7 Months: 6 Months Old
This was what you did for daddy for Father's Day!  He loved your gifts SO much!
We had just gotten back from the pool and you passed out.  You love the water, but it always made you sleepy. 
This was you watching the fireworks over the lake for July 4th.   
This was right before he mess of lunch!
Someone found their feet!
I love you in hats!
You tried to eat your float.

This picture was taken by our really good friends Chhorn and Beth Lim!  They have captured some of your most sweetest moments on camera. 

I will do the next few months in another blog.  I still can't believe you will be a year old in just a few weeks!! I do not care how old you are, you will always be my little man!

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