Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday's Letter

My Dearest Brett Joseph. You are so excited about hunting this weekend with your brother. I love seeing you like this. You're like a kid in a candy store, you can't contain your excitement. You are a city man most days of your life until hunting season starts. Then you turn into a honky tonk, back woods, hillbilly. Country music, camo, and all. I don't mind it. It makes you happy, and that makes me happy. My handsome Aiden. You are getting into EVERYTHING! This morning, your father and I walked into the bathroom to find you spinning the toilet paper off the toilet roll. Your laugh was the most precious thing. How can I get on to you when you're this cute??? Dear Sweet Rownin. I started babysitting you this week. You are a little over two months younger than Aiden. You two are hilarious together. I'm so thankful that Aiden has you to play with. You have to be one of the sweetest babies ever. Dear beloved husband. I have enjoyed you being home some afternoons this week. Especially on Wednesday nights where we can watch Duck Dynasty together. Can we please try to make them be our friends? I want to have Uncle Si and Jace in my life somehow. Thank you for all the hard work you do to support our family. I love you more than Jace loves bullfrogs.

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