Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday's Thanksgiving Letter

Dear Brett Joseph.  You are so great with our son.  Aiden is absolutely positutely a "daddy's boy".  For some mothers, this might make them jealous.  Not I.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I am thankful that you are such a great father to our son.  Dear Daily Thanksgiving Post on FB.  I have failed you.  I apologize for my lack of commitment, but there were more important things that demanded my attention.  Dear Thanksgiving Day.  I am grateful that you come around once a year to remind us of all our blessings.  Thanks to you, our families come together and eat, laugh, and enjoy each others company.  I have thoroughly enjoyed your presence this year.  Dear Aiden Hugh.  This was your first Thanksgiving and we didn't take one picture.  I am guilty of doing that but I feel that I am often in the moment and I forget to capture the moment.  I apologize for this mishap and I promise to try and take more pictures.  This has not been your favorite week either.  Your first year molars are coming in and you have not been yourself.  Mommy and Daddy are doing all we can to make sure you are comforted throughout this entire painful process.  Dear First Year Molars.  I. HATE. YOU.  You have turned my son into a crying, whining, sleeping, sad zombie and I want my old son back.  Get your process over with and BE GONE!!! Dear Prince Charming.  I love how you become Santa Clause as soon as Thanksgiving is over.  You came home today with garland strung with lights so we could hang it over the fireplace.  Your excitement for Christmas decor is precious and makes me love you even more.  I love you more than Santa loves cookies and milk. 

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