Monday, December 10, 2012

A Look Back...continued!!

8 Months: 7 Months Old

You love to snuggle up with your "Lammy" that you got for Easter from your Gran Jules and G Daddy. 

I'm not sure why, but you take your best naps when you're cuddled up to your daddy.

This was taken on a rainy day where we did nothing but eat and cuddle all day.  One of mommy's favorite days ever!

You sure do love your bath times!

We were headed to see your Aunt Maya on this day.  You are looking dapper as always!

We had just gotten to the lake and you were still sleepy.  Your Uncle Jeff made a nice cushion:)
 9 Months: 8 Months Old

You were crawling like crazy this day and I was doing my best to get you to stop for a picture.  This is all you would give me:)

It's a tough life to be this handsome, but someone has to do it!

Sweet loving from your cousin Karmyn!

I guess it's time we lower your crib. 

Agh!  Where's my hand?
10 Months: 9 Months Old

I got this, MOM!

This is the face I get when you just wake up.

Shopping with your daddy.

Lunch date with your favorite Aunt Gina. 

You and the slide did not get along on this particular day. 

Your first taste of ice cream with Gammy.  I think you liked it!

You fell asleep while eating.  I couldn't resist taking a picture. 

You LOVE to swing!

You like riding around with your G Daddy. 

Shammah is literally your best friend.

You didn't want to take a picture.  I get it.  The rabbit is scary.  Whatever. 

Dinner at the Cheesecake factory with Karmyn and your GG.

Again, these face animal characters just weren't your thing.  Maybe next time, right?

11 Months: 10 Months Old
Getting some loving from your Grandma's

Trying out your Halloween costume. 

Getting some sweet kisses from the bride. 

Visiting Daddy at work. 

Touring the cookie factory.  We had to wear these hair nets.  You weren't too thrilled about it.

Knocked out after a walk in the park. 

Playing with your G Daddy. 

You love this pirate hat that your cousins from New Jersey sent you.  The Dina's always send the best gifts!

We are such hams!! 

Mommy loves your cheese grin!


This is quite possibly one of my favorite pictures with you. 

I love your face!

You and daddy had fun in the bounce house.

This was a great day at the pumpkin patch. 

I'm guessing you thought it was your bottle?

Feeding the geese. 

Stink Face!

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!

12 Months: 11 Months Old
Playing with your birthday present from your Grandma Sue. 

I'm not sure why you and daddy decided to lay on the sidewalk and play, but you two always have fun wherever you go. 

Bounce House with the most handsome son in the world. 

You love to facetime Daddy when he's at work!

You love the ball pit!  

13 Months: 12 Months Old
Happy 1st Birthday my dear handsome man. 
Tie Dyed Birthday pancakes!
Shot's on your birthday :(

If you really "Mustache" I'm ONE!!

Birthday Picture with my Little Man!

Whew!  Shots are over with!
Wagon ride with Mommy and Daddy.

Talking to yourself in the mirror!

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